Our Team

Our Team

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Nora Stewart

Chief Vision Officer

Nora is the founder and CEO of Entheos Audiology Cooperative.

She earned her degree in MA in audiology in 1996 from the University of Cincinnati and was a private practice owner with her husband, Ken for over 14 years.

In 2014 she founded Entheos Audiology Cooperative to create a buying group that was built by and for audiologists, with a focus on best practices and giving back.  Her dream is to create a community of like-minded audiologists who support each other in business and in giving back to their communities and to the world.

“My why is very simple: to use the gifts I have to help others succeed and live a more fulfilling and inspiring life. I believe to my core that quality hearing health care matters and the people involved in the day-to-day delivery are the people that directly impact patients’ lives. Together we can forge a better future.”

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