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Our Team

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Nore Stewart

Chief Vision Officer

Audiologist and private practice owner of HearCare Audiology for more 20 years.

Nora is the heart and soul of this operation. She heard a call four years ago to move the idea that giving is good for business from the thin pages of the book The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann into tangible action.

With the help of many tremendous people she founded HearCare Connection, a local not-for-profit hearing center in her community. It created a way to help anyone desiring better hearing to receive it, and to ensure that no person would be prevented from participating fully in life due to hearing loss.

In the years since incorporating the give-as-you-go business model, her private practice has been flourishing and everyone in the practice is benefiting from an inspired culture, reduced marketing budget, and double digit growth in revenue.

“My why is very simple: to use the gifts I have to help others succeed and live a more fulfilling and inspiring life. I believe to my core that quality hearing health care matters and the people involved in the day-to-day delivery are the people that directly impact patients’ lives. Together we can forge a better future.”

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